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How To Create A Simple Cryptocurrency Tracker With Python

Are you keen to monitor real time value of cryptocurrencies? In this tutorial, we will walk you through creating a simple cryptocurrency tracker using Python.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Environment

To kick off, we need to ensure we have Python installed and updated. The Python package we will be using in this tutorial is called requests. If you haven’t installed it yet, run the command pip install requests.

Step 2: API Key

Next, we need an API key from CoinMarketCap. This platform offers real-time data of over 2,000 cryptocurrencies! Sign up for a free account and navigate to the Api Keys section to create a new key.

Step 3: Writing Our Code

Let’s divide our Python script into two functions: get_crypto_price() and print_crypto_price().

The get_crypto_price() function: This function leverages the requests package to obtain real-time crypto data from CoinMarketCap’s API.

The print_crypto_price() function: This function prints cryptocurrency name along with its real time value.

Step 4: Testing Our Tracker

Now, let’s test everything by retrieving and printing the real-time price of Bitcoin. You should see the following output:

  • Bitcoin’s price is: $50,000


Now you have a simple cryptocurrency tracker at your disposal! With a few modifications, you could adapt this code to build a full-on cryptocurrency dashboard. Remember, this tutorial is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you can do with Python and APIs.

Please note that the prices will vary in real-time. Happy coding, and keep investing!

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